Wood and wood-based materials are accessible, easily recyclable and have a role to play in sustainable development. Wood is also a unique building material. It comes from a renewable resource - forests - and can be use to produce sophisticated, highly engineered projects.
Print format 230 × 295 mm, 112 pages
Printed on uncoated, offset paper
Printed in Czech
With this issue, it is my honour to present to you an entirely new magazine. Through it, and in collaboration with you, the reader, we want to create new structures that are both beautiful and technologically advanced. We want to advocate for Czech architecture and construction at all times. We want to build a new world together.
This magazine originated after more than two years of consultation with leading Czech architects, some of whom have done us the honour of joining our editorial board. They actively collaborate with us, helping us to look at architecture from their perspectives, a point of view we are then able to share with with you, our readers, at the level of both form and content. As you read these lines, you may find yourself asking a question I've considered often in recent days: what will set INTRO magazine apart from other architecture publications? This collaboration is at least one of the answers.
We’ve focused less on what will differentiate us, however, than on our goals: to promote Czech architecture and, as I’ve written above, to create a new world with you. We want this focus to radiate from every page of this magazine and for each page to be interesting and enriching for us all.
This is why we’ve chosen to name the magazine INTRO. Each issue will focus on a single theme, examined from different angles and perspectives, just as we’ve done, in this issue, with wood. As you’ll discover, we will look at this material’s past, present and future and consider interesting buildings, products and technologies that use it. I strongly believe, that after reading this magazine each of you will be a little closer to this material, just like me.
When we settled on the theme of this issue, my own knowledge of wood was fairly basic. Despite studying architecture and construction at both secondary school and university, in-depth knowledge of this material was not a focus of the curriculum. I headed straight from the editorial meeting to the bookshop and got down to studying professional publications on the topic. Today, I can say with certainty that not only do I understand this material better, but I also like it much more. This is the experience I wish you, not only with this issue, but with each of the future ones. May each issue of INTRO enrich you and bring you a bit closer to the theme we’ve chosen to explore.
Jan Hejhálek, publisher